Meeting 5.3-9
- Subcommitte Reports
- Tile committe (discuss new tile suggestions) submit your 2009 LOST suggestions on the Theme Camp page
- Fundraiser (Garage Sale)
- Who's posting to Craigslist (Wade/Sunny)
- Who's picking up tables from storage--Heather is bringing one, Meghan/Jeff bringing, Vaughn will bring the rest
- What do we need for tile painting? (done - Chris/Brigid)
- killz/paint
- brushes/rollers
- plastic tarp
- What other project can we do?
- Quonset hut test?
- Water Evaporation and Aquatic Sciences
- Budget
- Prizes
- Board Construction: board build Sat June27th -1pm
- Lighting, Electricity and Technological Magic
- Special Projects, etc-Fundraising @ Barbaras?, @ champange pop?, Sunny: Jackrabbit Speaks Green Camp commitment
- Start planning work meetings
Meatin Minutes 3.5-9
Garage sale
-tables- heather, wade and sunny, vaughn grab what is in storage
-6 am set up
-7 am start time
-at carl and heather's
-be aware of the food situation!
- if early drop off needed, call heather first
-9 am set up
-10 am start time
- tiles
-sunny has stamp
-tiles are at the Edwards'
-chris and brigid to bring paint and such
-shannon to have evolved list
Water and aquatic sciences
drinking h20 suggestion from Wade
-20 gal $31.00, tap $13.50, need 2
-evaporation systems: gray be gone it its!
(Vaughn and shannon to build SOON)
pay sunny
-you all owe him 2 million dollars
-shopping committee started to bargain hunt
-start shopping list
-need liqueur inventory to have true list of bar needs
-NEED a generator ( to susan beth in off season)
-we are doing the Dome build out in Diana's apt this year
-apparently we are all old now and we like to collect coupons!
250 $152.00
500 $195.00 full color
-wade had a contraption that is heather approved!
-Brigid's leather bracelets KINDA AWESOME REALLY!
Dr. Carl's by apt!
-as invitations for our mid week mixer
-we will be serving sangria
Board Construction
-carl needs to get the shit together
-coupon from Home Depot
-board needs test build and inventory on replacements
-need 1x3's
-need new bolts and brackets --sheets (brackets bend)
-Vaughn has been granted FULL creative right on the board ART this year
-Sat. June 27th Board build 1pm
Special Projects
barbara's fundraiser (Wade)
-only on Sunday
-food costs per person for buffet
-drinks are individual
Sunny's Bday place
-we would get a percentage of nights profit
-is your camp GREEN?
-lets be an example of a green camp- we would need to commit!
Music for the playa
-everyone to submit music for the ipod
-possible speakers and an amp (wade to talk to Ryan)
-- budget $200
Bonus Prizes
-Vaughn suggests bonus prizes for combine tiles
Quanshit Hut
-PVC in size needed is hard to find but in abundance in Santa Anna at George Fisher Piping Systems, Irvine
-do we have a vehicle 20 ft long?
-do they deliver?
-caleb found trout! sunny's friend he is
-need test pre-build
-new list to vote on will be assembled Sat early AM
-please get your remaining suggestions in by end of day Friday. with explanation if needed.
Meeting 5.0
- Brunch
- Subcommitte Reports
- Transportation
- Shelter; Quonset/Monkey Hut (see Shelter)
- Water Evaporation and Aquatic Sciences
- Budget
- Prizes
- Board Construction
- Lighting, Electricity and Technological Magic
- Special Projects, etc
- Address Space/Resource concerns
- including meal plan
Meeting notes for the third of May, 2009
Whether I am to be the hero of these meeting notes or merely the author, these next pages will decide.
Chapter I.
I am instructed to make meeting notes as snarky and devoid of real information as possible.
Chapter II.
kjkrgjb erdgjkbarjg n,
goo goo goosth
Kwanzaa Quonset hut--
Pipe cleaner model forgotten.
Pipe cleaner model possibly destroyed.
Caleb has super cool 3 D model of Kwanzaa Quonset hut on his laptop to show everyone. You can check it out on his flickr, but only if you're Caleb's 'friend', so some of you may be in trouble. Those who have failed to provide tit dimensions to Caleb (Meghan and Jeff) will be outside of the shade structure.
We will angle the Kwanzaa Quonset hut to lessen wind tunnel effect, and use truck placement to our advantage. Caleb wants to bring on 3 18-year-old girls to aid in constructing this architectural miracle. There are more details I have here about the construction itself if anyone cares. The thing hasn't been priced out yet so we don't have any real numbers. We will be 'practice building' the Kwanzaa Quonset hut in Carl's back yard.
Chapter IV.
There is a note here about bike research, and Shannon said something about a refurbished bike place in Silver Lake she knows about. I am not really sure what any of that means, sorry.
Chapter V.
Fundraising We netted $606.16 from the yard sale. Other fundraising options are canvassed. Right now our dues are at about 400 bucks and we'd like to bring that down. Next yard sale is to be chez Cheather after their honeymoon is over. (June 13th AND 14th). That's right, 2 days in a row of getting up at the asscrack of dawn, well just a little later on day 2, we'll either be buzzom buddies afterwords or de-camp to opposite ends of the Playa. The idea is just to be rid of all our stuff and not deal with packing and repacking. Wade is Supreme Mugwump of the Fundraising Committee, otherwise known as the monetary enhancement committee (right Di? I forget) Wade, I wouldn't mind helping you out if you need a hand (I forgot to mention this at the meeting). We hope to come up with a killer idea that puts the FUN back in fundraising.
Wow, I am only a quarter of the way through my notes, time to speed this up.
Shannon and Vaughn are on the evaporation committee. Sunny read out a bunch of budget numbers. Jeff used the word "potable", which was interesting b/c I thought it was pronounced "Pote-able" rather than "Paht-able".
Meghan wants 50 tile ideas from everyone, but Josh manages to talk her down from that tree. Shannon is going to compile all ideas into an Excel spreadsheet.
The Playa gifts are discussed.
Everyone, please indicate on the wiki whether you'd like to leave the Playa Sunday or Monday. Caleb is going to schedule a Board Committee Meeting to schedule time to one day fix the board?
Lighting & electricity Committee- Vaughn is MIA so we have no update. There is some muttering about rope lights, whatever that is. We need LED lights. So say my notes.
Sunny would like to have a proper mixer Wednesdayish of Playa week. We will stamp people we like with Barney's nifty stamp thingy (or similar) and hang the rest! (... with velvet rope pilfered from some swanky 'list-only' Hollywood establishment)
The motion to have Trashistan make its own damn food is passed in unanimity.
Dr. Carl's simply cannot have more than 25 campers. So say we all! The n00b cap is done away with, which means Rachel and Whitney's hot-mulleted brother are invited into the fold. The rule is that n00bs cannot invite other n00bs. If your n00b goes apeshit he/she/it is YOUR responsibility. It's a little something we like to call the "buddy system" here at Dr. Carl's. This includes covering chores for your AWOL n00b.
We delineate a camper's bill of rights, which is really more of a bill of responsibilities--but I digress. Jeff will be making it into a sign. My favorite is please abide by the 'coaster' method if you predict your naked ass/vag/scrotum wants to come into contact with our beautiful inflatable couches. We love you, but not your STDs.
Next meeting @ Chridget's some time after Cheather's wedding.
Carl has made it clear that he doesn't want Vaughn at any more meetings.
Wade and Sunny were lovely hosts and provided us with yummy brunch food, a chromed contraption that by all accounts is the future in coffee-making, and flowing mimosas.
Barney showed up looking dapper in pink (real men wear pink-- AND join the army) and none the worse for his night of excess. He was hair-of-the-dogging it with the aforementioned mimosas.
Barney, we are going to miss you friend. Please come back to us safely.
Meeting 4.0
April 5, 2009
Wha Happen?
There was much milling about and such, as there always is, food was eaten, coffee was drunk. Matt showed up a half hour early and was dispatched to get Half and Half. It was succesfully got, then we settled down to business.
We're Fooked!
First Meghan told us we were all going to die, in the event of DOOOOM we will meet at the brewery.
Yard Sale in Hollywoods
Yard Sale! We will meet at 6! Start at 7! Vaughn will bring tables. Figuring out how to get all our crap to Jeff and Meghans. If you want to bring stuff over, call Jeff.
After one hour and fifteen minutes, Caleb and Sara show up.
Jeff will do signage, Chris will get change. Wade and Sunny will bring a money box. Dante will post shit on-line. There was some snarkiness about selling motorcycling stuff. No early-birds! Fucking early birds. Sale is going to be at Hobart and Delongpre. Or some road spelled like that. Coffee will be provided. Bring a mug. Don't use the ones we are selling, cause that's stupid. Chris will bring additional coffee. Bagels will also be brought. Bring your lunch money. Or don't, Brigid will provide lunch meets BBQ stuff. Sara's not coming. Nice effort Sara. Bring wire hangers.
To recap: We meet at 6! We start at 7! Caleb is not happy about this. He thought the whole showing up thing was optional.
At one hour and forty minutes Vaughn lumbers stumbles in. Fuckin slacker.
Budget subcomittee report!
Budget is now online and googly. Please put your expenses there. Sunny needs numbers people. Rough numbers are fine, he likes it that way. Sunny would also like some pre-paying of dues so that we can have some cash on hand to do shit with. This is universally accepted and acclaimed. Yea Sunny! We love his spreadsheet. More numbers: Caleb went over his budge last year by 100%. Nice work Caleb *applause* There is much discussion of grommeting, layers, and building a grommiting robot. Instead we will finally buy an arbor press.
We would like a crew cab truck this time. Please? Thank you. Probably not, they may only send the other ones to BM. Meghan's bag not allowed.
Oh, there was some car stuff, but I missed it. I think Chris said he was going to coordinate who was bringing their cars or something? Anyone?
More of This
More discussion of newbies and such. Man, taking notes is exhausting. Seriously, this is a lot of effort. Especially when we talk about the same stuff repeatedly. I may just copy and paste this part from the other meetings. It is also determined that if Os doesn't work out Caleb can't camp with us anymore.
But in the meantime, send caleb your tent sizes.
Again, someone buy a god-damn arbor press.
We need a prize subcommittee. Sunny is not on it, but he has ideas. But he is not on the committee. Seriously. But here is the idea: we will get fridge magnets, punch holes into them, and put them on lanyards. Idea 2: Beer cozies. Cause nothing says white trash like a beer cozie.
We are going to move to using different lights on the board, rope lights maybe? And use the solar lights that we used to use around the camp. So we will get two more rope lights for the board. We may need to get another solar panel. We may also combine forces with trashis solar array.
Departments Of Special Projects
Tiki bar report: Needs some work, new wheels, new misting system, bore out the cylinders and add a super-charger and that thing is fucking Bad. Ass. Anyway it will be priced out and figured out.
Art Bike/Surray - Will be disasembled for shipping. Tube steel, that sort of thing. No real plans as of yet, but they are making budgets and estimates.
Cheap hotel found, $53 bucks without AAA discount, Juliette is appearently the only person in camp without a AAA membership. Book it.
Hey look, Dante showed his ass up for once. It's a minor miracle. Kristen hasn't shown the fuck up yet. WTF is up with that? Oh apparently this is Josh's fault. What a dick. Chris called him, she will be at the yard sale, ontime and presentable.
Sweet Ass Genny
(is also the name of a Country song, I'm sure)
Jeff is going to hopefully get us a free genny again. Fuck that, we are going to buy one. $800, Honda EU2000i. Sweet.
Vaughn made some sort of pseudo ultra pithy comment. Then blathered a bit about a bike rack.
Bike rack that will take like 4 2x4's. Build a long rectangle, then fit small bits of 2x4 in the rectangle creating slats that are spaced enough apart so back tire fits in. Done.
Ok, enough of this crap, lets eat cake. Happy Birthday Chris!
if (meeting < yard sale) { discuss yard sale; else discuss yard sale success; }
I look at the todos and think about how swell it would be if those were discussed at this meeting.
- Shelter; Quonset/Monkey Hut subcommittee will provide a rough shopping list
- Budget: Report from Sunny
- need rough estimates/set deadline for estimates on cost of this year's projects.
- 'reveal' of online expense/fundraising report.
- discuss advance/pre-payment of 'dues' to speed up reimbursement process.
- Grey Water: Subcommittee on Water Evaporation and Aquatic Sciences will develop a superior grey water system (Gray B Gon!)
- Big Stamp: Barney will attempt to handcraft our big stamp
- Board: Subcommittee on Board Construction and Reinforcement will provide shopping list for reinforcement
- Chris reserved truck?
- Save bottle caps and corks so we can possibly transform them into beautiful necklaces (ask Vaughn about expensive necklace option)
- Lighting: Subcommittee on Electricity and other Technological Magic will discuss further lighting and power
Meeting 03 - What happened?
Um...I left em at home. Really, we just watched Jeff's health deteriorate until the floor was no longer hospitable toward him and he was forced to bed.
Here they are! Disregard this pile of words:
omg f vaughn and his stupid non-note transcribing! before jeff got the plague and was put to bed he and meghan made this really AWESOME brunch! we had blueberry pancakes and bellinis and vaughn made this really spicy bloody mary in a jar that we hope wasn't meghans pee jar and wade made some serbians into a quiche. then we laughed at caleb for not being there and burned an effigy of larry harvey and di and brigid lit it on fire by doing cartwheels through a flaming hula hoop all the whilst chris got wasted and pissed in a fern (really surprised that meghan and jeff have ferns) and carl and heather made us unload another truck, "practice" they called it...julie got everyone sick, i mean she seemed like a nice girl and we are glad josh is getting laid regularly (gross) but she is clearly a carrier monkey and sunny knows how to build the dome so do we really still need di and vaughn? juliette and barney drank a lot of bellinis while tsatske and darwin displayed anti-social behavior and homo-erotic tendencies no doubt picked up from josh and jeff wasnt really sick he just didnt want to help clean up.
Regard this pile of words:
General Consensuses
A general consensus was agreed upon whereas our camp infrastructure (and the amount of shit a 5 ton can hold) truly supports 25 people. Until it makes any sense we can't really take any more than that. As it turns out, with current maybe-but-likelies, we are at 25.
Another general consensus was reached: Carl is a dick. And he sux for making contact with golf cart seller but then losing contact information thus causing us to restart the "find out who's selling the golf cart" game.
Attendance update
- Val and James wish to not be pressured into making a decision on their attendance
- Tony is a No (fuck that guy)
- Dee is also a No
The Noob Situation
Whilst we all enjoy the idea of a noob obstacle course to really prove their meddle we probably would never get off our asses to organize it.
Nothing against a noob but we have 5 of you and 5 is plenty. We're sure you'll do great.
Yard Sale
- We will get off our asses to organize this. The date is in flux as Art Walk is f'ing it all up right now.
- Location will be Meghan and Jeff's Barrio
To Do's!
Cross-posted to ToDo
- Shelter; Quonset/Monkey Hut subcommittee will provide a rough shopping list
- Budget: Sunny will acquire budgetary responsibilities
- Grey Water: Subcommittee on Water Evaporation and Aquatic Sciences will develop a superior grey water system
- Big Stamp: Barney will attempt to handcraft our big stamp
- Board: Subcommittee on Board Construction and Reinforcement will provide shopping list for reinforcement
- Chris reserving truck
- Save bottle caps and corks so we can possibly transform them into beautiful necklaces
- Lighting: Subcommittee on Electricity and other Technological Magic will discuss further lighting and power
Arrrgh! Di stole my notepad and drew Hello Kitty on it!
Current available cars and capacities (cross-posted to Travel):
- Note: all numbers include driver
- Wade +4
- Brigid +4
- Jeff/Meghan +4 (or 5)
- Truck +2
- Di +3
- Kristen +5
- Juliette +4
Camp Livin'
- Dome: No pillows...too costly and take up too much room
- Chores: Adding new chores to the list:
*Daily ChoreMaster *Nightlighter/Safety Warden *Sous Chef *Replacement Chef (so Caleb has a couple nights off)
- Solar lights will be used around camp area
- More tennis balls for rebar
- More rope light for board
- Pee Tent Rules:
*BYOPB *If you miss, clean it up you filthy pig *WetOnes may be provided in the tent but you have to dispose of your dirty wet one yourself!
For the record, I'm reading the notes Di wrote...she writes bad.
===What will be?===
- Get pissed
- Entertain Hen
- Watch Josh roll in at about noon thirty
- Start filling out the Theme Camp Form
- Agree that we're aiming for the 4:30 keyhole
- Disagree on everything else
- Discuss the noob situation
- I just learned about Bill Cosplay in
- What am I writing all this for? You asses can help.
- Report from Quonset Hut Subcommittee or previously appointed representative there-of
Meeting 02 - Rants and Rants
A summary of what transpired
- Chris hates me
- Parking sucks at Di's place, unless you park on Melrose (duh)
- Need to rectify the bad "kitten" situation from last year; "kittens" should be speedy, not sleepy, no one likes non speedy "kittens"
- Sara didn't bring mangoes (to the relief of many)
- Jeff and Meghan scored a Meghan-sized roll of duvetyne
- Everybody label your shit this year! Everything! Every fork! Every straw! Every sanitary napkin!
- We ate too late. (See below for solution)
- We're sick of waiting for Carl to show up...oh, hey Carl
- Subcommittee meeting on shade and tent placement mostly bitching about nothing
- Extra Subcommittee meeting on shade and tent placement thinking of launching investigation into possible so called "map flipping"
- Meghan demands that the brownie bites be moved to the opposite side of the table from her. No one seconds this motion. It does not pass.
Shit we want to do different
- We shall make a bike rack
- Caleb shall start cooking at 5 fingers to sundown this year instead of 4
- Bamboo drop down shades will actually be used for the porch this year
- TikiBar - BIG wheels, advanced water mistation system
- Dome will house only carpet, pillows and inflatable furniture (use at own risk)
- Board: Metal bits with new bolts to make it more better. Really paint the tiles hard to mask last years words. Prizes, more necklaces, big ass stamp
- Kitchen: There's a storage locker thing at the hotel that Wade might be able to get and might help organize all of our newly labeled crap
- Have a misc bin that everything gets dumped in when cleanup happens (or during pre-duststorm panic)
- Add a pee-tent in which you pee into something not on the tent itself assholes
- Subcommittee on Quonset Hut Research and Development formed, consisting of Josh and Caleb, they will report back with progress
- A vote was held on placement for next year and apparently we all want to move back to
7:304:30 (Carl's memory sucks) and A instead of Esplanade, who knew?
Other important notes:
- Final count of who's going by MayDay
- Meghan played tetris for the duration of the meeting and thus hardly contributed
Meeting 01 - Clean up and Whathaveyou
We done good cleaning out storage and organizing it. Now, if only the slackasses who took notes would update the inventory.