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Revision as of 08:58, 10 August 2010 by Itssunnyv (Talk | contribs) (Are you going?)

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Are you going?

Travel page updated with this year's days/dates. Add yo'self accordingly!

Got tix.gif Tix Boughten! Got tix.gif

From Portland:

  1. Katie
  2. Mat
  3. Nicki

From Los Angeles:

  1. Alexander Phaneuf (Sac, late night)
  2. Carl
  3. Christopher Phaneuf (LA on morning of Aug. 27)
  4. Dante
  5. Di
  6. Heather
  7. Jay Swain-Monday arrival; leaving with LA crew (must have room in car for him on way home)
  8. Jeff-Driving up w/ truck, leaving TBD
  9. Juliette
  10. Lyle
  11. Meghan-Driving up w/ truck, leaving TBD
  12. Susan Beth
  13. Vaughn
  14. Whitney Phaneuf (LA on Aug. 26/27)
  15. Caleb
  16. Josh
  17. Sunny
  18. Wade
  19. Nick
  20. Volkert

Maybe.gif No Tix but Is Goin Fo Sho/Tix but Wishy-Washy Maybe.gif

Maybe.gif going but camping in another camp Maybe.gif

  1. Greg

Notgoing.gif Status Unknown Notgoing.gif

  1. D


  1. Hen
  2. Marty
  3. Christian
  4. Siddhartha
  5. Iolande
  6. Corey
  7. Josh
  8. Dennis
  9. other Trashis?

Notgoing.gif Unenlightened/Other lame excuse Notgoing.gif

  • Shannon
  • Ossi
  • Chris
  • Brigid
  • Tara
  • James
  • Val
  • Sara
  • Becky
  • Julie
  • Tony
  • Barney
  • Anubis
  • Giulia
  • Amity
  • Daniel Reyes (friend of Wades)
  • Mike Groleau
  • Steve Mummolo
  • Darwin
  • Tsatske
  • Kate Wolff
  • Your mom
  • No dude, she's definitely coming...
  • Carolyn
  • Dan

Who's going lists moved to WhoGoes2007 and WhoGoes2008 and WhoGoes2009