From Dr. Carl's Collection of Departments
Are you going?
Travel page updated with this year's days/dates. Add yo'self accordingly!
From Los Angeles:
- Aaron
- Alexander Phaneuf
- Carl
- Christopher Phaneuf
- Dante
- Di
- Emily
- Heather
- Jay Swain- Flying into The Sac (Sat night pickup @ airport)-Leaving TBD
- Jeff-Driving up w/ truck, leaving TBD
- Juliette
- Katie (from Portland)
- Kim (Friend of Aaron and Em)
- Lyle
- Mat (from Portland)
- Meghan-Driving up w/ truck, leaving TBD
- Susan Beth
- Vaughn
- Whitney Phaneuf
- Caleb
No Tix but Is Goin Fo Sho/Tix but Wishy-Washy
- Becky
- Josh
- Julie
- Sunny
- Tony
- Wade
going but camping in another camp
- Greg
- Chris
- Brigid
- Tara
- James
- Val
- D
- Shannon
- Ossi
- Hen
- Marty
- Christian
- Siddhartha
- Iolande
- Corey
- Josh
- Dennis
- other Trashis?
Unenlightened/Other lame excuse
- Sara
- Barney
- Anubis
- Giulia
- Amity
- Daniel Reyes (friend of Wades)
- Mike Groleau
- Steve Mummolo
- Darwin
- Tsatske
- Kate Wolff
- Your mom
- No dude, she's definitely coming...
- Carolyn
- Dan
Who's going lists moved to WhoGoes2007 and WhoGoes2008 and WhoGoes2009