Theme Camp2007
Dr. Carl's Department of Collections
Dr. Carl's big board of stuff is imposing, daunting and a little bit sexy. Pick something from our big board, spin the Wheel of Adjectivication and find that thing! Bring it back to us and spin the Wheel of Prizedom to determine your reward!
Physical Description:
The largest physical structure of our camp will be our 2 big boards of things to find. We estimate the board to be 15' high, 16' long and 8-10' deep. One board will contain all of the items/people we hope the community will find and bring back to us. To mesh with the theme each board will be contain artwork. As items are found they are moved from one board to the other thus revealing one piece of art while concealing another. Our camp will also include a 20' diameter dome+shade shelter, a 35' diameter parachute shelter, multiple camping tents, 2 RV's, a large truck, 18 cars, our artcar + trailer, 2 showers/grey water evaporation pools and a burn barrel. Our small, discreet generators will live amongst the parked cars to dampen the sound. We will run the generator only intermittently when needed.
Interactivity Description:
Dr. Carl's big board will be split into two large boards. On one board will be multiple items for the community to procure. These items will range from the small and mundane to the large and art carish. Our goal is to send people off to interact with the city around them and then return to us for a fantastic reward and a small celebration for completing the task. Be it a stamp from the BRCPO or a person dressed like an elephant we are sure the variety of people and things to find will provide entertainment and community wide interaction for all involved. To spice it up this year we have the Wheel of Adjectivication which the participant will then spin. This will make finding things a touch more interesting. In conjunction with said wheel will be the Wheel of Prizedom. This will determine their reward for completing the task! Our live-in neighbors (Trashistan) will provide their trademark heckling whilst assisting us in keeping the board active, fun and maybe a little bit interesting.
Our hope is to involve as many different people and inspire their interaction with as many different people as possible. Last year's scavenger hunt style camp proved very successful and we hope to greatly increase the number of citizens who particpate. Our new lighting scheme will ensure we can maintain 24hr interactivity. We look forward to not only encourage interaction with our camp but amongst the entire BRC community.
Clean Up:
Cleanup will entail the breaking down of camp and dividing our area into a grid. This grid will make it easy for all campers involved to scour for any moop. We will also have daily scans of our camp and surrounding area to make sure nothing is out of place. Our burn barrel will sit upon cynder blocks to prevent playa scarring. All grey water will be evaporated from our 10'x 15' evaporation pool with new and improved chicken wire evaporation system.", 'In an effort to leave the playa as we found it we will take the following steps to ensure minimal impact:', '* Clean up day will be Monday the 4th', '* All wooden tiles on the big board will be screwed to the board securely to prevent achievement of wind motivated flight', '* Many heavy duty garbage bags, and cans, to haul trash out in our truck', '* Altoid tins for cigarette butts', '* Rebar for staking everything down', '* Sledge, vice grips, crow bar and work gloves for removing rebar', '* All food will be stripped of packaging before arrival', '* Excess wood will be burned', '* All ashes from the burn barrel will be sealed in big rubbermaid containers for clean hauling', "As we are including Trashistan in our plans we will yell at them as often as needed to keep them in line. In the event they do something ridiculous like leave stuff behind we'll scoop it up and dispose of it properly. Our combined presence is firmly LNT.
Scavenger Hunt Items that must be found
List them here. While the future incarnation of the scavenger hunt has yet to be realized we must start thinking up things for people to scavenge.
- Multi-racial married couple
- 2006 Dr. Carl Prize winner
- John Smith
- Doctor named Carl
- Polygamist
- Dinosaur
- Ex or Current Pro Sports Star
- Jedi
- Stripper
- Monkey
- Someone with Raver Scabies
- Ants on a log
- Bacon, cooked
- Animal Control w/ Capture
- Rolling Picnic Table
- Jumping Stilt Walker
- Swiss ball
- Moo cards
- Red Stapler
- Drunk Furry
- Steampunk Calculator
- clothing made of smurfs
- cold diet coke & bacardi limon
- fake boobs
- real boobs
- strap-on
- tassles (rotating in opposing directions)
- clergy member
- closeted gay
- someone on e and 'shrooms
- someone on at least 5 substances
- orgy participant
- infantilist
- Lee Majors (any form)
- Ukranian
- golf attire
- tab soda
- distillery
- illegal alien
- bionic limb
- multiple birth (twins need not apply)
- Michigan upper peninsula inhabitant
- acapella group
- puppeteer w/ puppet
- elected offical in public office
- gruntled postal worker
- bite marks
- robot
- burning man tattoo
- yen
- public affair
- 3+ scars
- write up in Piss Clear
- Larry Harvey
- tanorexic
- D-list celebrity
- blasian
- rockin' republic jeans
- xmas tree
- virgin virgin burner
- virgin burner
- skull
- biodiesel art car
- pirate sword
- interpretive dance on the demise of society
- sucubus
- werewolf
- convicted felon
- cultist
- gripe with trashistani
- beer helmet
- kegerator
- nitrous oxide
- candy flipper
- power point presentation
- little tacos
- ukulele
- lavender scented candle
- lounge singer
- vietnam vet
- succulent
- burlesque dancer
- saddle shoes
- native american
- ghost
- medium (not JLoHew)
- folk singer
- paparazzi
- CEO of Fortune 500 company
- jazz flutist
- tv anchorman
- guinness book record holder
- tap dancer
- talent agent
- Jennifer Steele & Michael
- Someone named Sunny
- ex-nun
- pez with dispenser
- pony
- sailor hat
- multi-linguist
- AA chip
- genital piercings
- God
- dancing queen
- improviser
- impersonator
- harmonica player
- everlasting gobstopper
- Waldo!
- Wedding cake
- Straight jacket W/ wearer
- Pronounced brow-ridge
- 1st cousin marriage
- Card Carrying Mensa member
- Boy Band
- Teddy Ruxphin
- Choreographed fight
- Jazz hands
- Sloe gin fizz
- Goiter
- Braces with headgear
- Bonsai tree
- Monchichi
- Cunning linguist
- Forensicator
- Master Thespian
- Funk and Wagnalls
- Contortionist
- Ghost buster
- Bantam weight boxer
- Black belt in anything
- Top loading VCR
- Banana clip in use
- Word of the day toilet paper
- Member of a royal family
- Astronuat Smurf
- Macaroni art
- Pizza
- Monopoly dog
- water wings
- geisha
- unibrow
- Playa sushi
- Dirty martini
- Mr/Ms Universe contestant
- Honeymooners
- Mummy
- White Dragon noodles
- 8Track player
- Hasselblad
- 110 camers
- Shirtcocker
- Jazzerciser
- Best penis on the playa
- Best ta-tas on the playa
- Best ass on the playa
- Best va-jay-jay on the playa
- Man-boobs
- 1 hippy-free hour
- Hair sweater
- pocket protecter
- mechanical robot
- Cowboy & Indian (chasing each other)
- Cop and Robber (chasing each other)
- Village People ( police officer, an American Indian chief, a construction worker, a member of the military, a leatherman (biker), a cowboy and a sailor)
- raggedy ann and andy
- coconut
- insect
- sled
- hope
- fear
- hair band
Old Good Ideas
The Final 9!
- Giant boardwalk games
- skee-ball
- whack-a-burner
- milk can throw
- skee-ball
- Sexually themed obstacle course
- dildo wall climb
- ball pit filled with stuffed cats
- dildo wall climb
- Climbing Structure
- giant metal structure that people can climb on
- giant metal structure that people can climb on
- Mad Scientist/Useless Experiment Camp
- gauge your hamster-tude
- other useless science-esque experiments
- Fingerpainting Camp
- fingerpaints, canvas, you get the idea
- fingerpaints, canvas, you get the idea
- Pet-a-pussy camp
- a load of stuffed cats
- a load of stuffed cats
- Scavenger Hunt
- keep Dept of Collections
- keep Dept of Collections
- Dr. Carl's School of Management and Executive Training
- Obstacle Course
- General Corporate training offered on a low cost basis
- Obstacle Course
- Giant Playground
- Giant playground equipment
- Giant playground equipment