Meeting #One
December 3, 2006
The info is coming
Meeting #Dos
January 7, 2007
Important Dates
- Saturday 1/13 - yard sale @ Meghan & Jeff's - 6am
- Wed 1/17 - BM tix go on sale!!! - 10am PST
- Sat 1/20 - Jeff's Bday Observed
- Sunday 2/11 - meeting @ Wade's - 7pm
- Saturday 2/24 - poker party/fundraiser @ loft - 7pm?
Yard Sale
Where: 1154 North Howard, Glendale, CA 91207
When: 6am set-up, 7am 'opening'
Why: Dr. Carl seed money
The goal is to get money so that no one has to front money for the poker party, and any additional cash goes into the official Dr. Carl fund
Who's in charge of what:
- Jeff - signs for posting around the neighborhood
- Diana - online advertising
- Carl/Josh - getting folding table for set-up
- Vaughn - box o' coffee
- Wade - change
- All of us - for showing up to help, and bringing shit to sell
Meghan has graciously offered (no, really) to head up the budget committee for this year. A separate meeting will be scheduled to start hashing out our proposed spending.
Fundraising Concepts
To alleviate some of the BM camp costs, we decided to try out fundraising this year. So far we have the following ideas:
Poker Party @ the loft
Saturday 2/24 - 7pm. Games start at 8pm.
Final details to be discussed at the next meeting, but so far:
- Evite - Vaughn will send out at the end of January
- Unlimited buy-ins
- winner gets 30% of the pot
- donating a % to a charity???
Party at the loft
Date TBD
This is just a general party, people buying cups/drinks. We also discussed doing a raffle, so if you can get your hands on cool free schwag, start squirreling it away now.
Possible Charities
(we can brainstorm more later as well):
- Habitat for Humanity
Structure Discussions
Meghan wants it to rotate. It's not looking good. However, we did talk about having roll-uppable (and downable) shades to control sunlight. Josh has some bamboo-ey roll-up shades that he's donating for the cause.
Josh is going to look into acquiring used billoard canvas so we can get a jump on the dome covering this year.
Tent shelter
Jeff said he's got this one under control. Everyone gets a spot in the shade except Vaughn.
Theme Camp Ideas
Here's the first go at brainstorming.
- scavenger hunt
- keep Dept of Collections
- prayer flag tree
- giant metal tree sculpture
- people attach leaf shaped prayer flags so we have a complete tree by the end of the week
- Giant boardwalk games
- skee-ball
- whack-a-burner
- milk can throw
- Obstacle Course
- Sexually themed obstacle course
- dildo wall climb
- ball pit filled with stuffed cats
- Spectator Volleyball
- volleyball net set up with bleachers on either side of net. People play from stands
- Climbing Structure
- giant metal structure that people can climb on
- Bowling Alley
- Punch-a-clown/Be-a-clown theme camp
- one side of camp is be-a-clown and we dress people up
- other side is punch-a-clown. we drop people off
- or we just have stuffed clowns
- Comic Strip Camp
- Create comic strip wall with either blank boxes, or pictures and blank voice bubbles
- OR create comic strip with blank voice bubble that people can put their face thru and take pic
- Mad Scientist/Useless Experiment Camp
- gauge your hamster-tude
- Fingerpainting Camp
- fingerpaints, canvas, you get the idea
- Apology Camp/ Random Apology Camp
- People can come and write their apologies to someone and we can deliver them to either the person, or just deliver to a random person. Or we could just grab someone off the street in front of camp and have the person apologize to them
- Letter to myself
- write a letter to yourself of where you think you'll be at the end of the week. We send out after the burn
- Pet-a-pussy camp
- a load of stuffed cats
- digital photo mural
- get old/cheap digital cameras and display pics that people take on a wall of tvs/ giant screen
- Chris is taking truck locating duty
- Do we want to do the camera tree?
- we're completely out of cameras
- Meals - Jeff will head up planning, and we'll split duties at the event
- Bring more extra rebar this year
- Get another sun shower, so we can have one warming while another person is showering
- Inventory - start gathering a list of what you have at your place so we don't double buy stuff. Send it to Diana