
From Dr. Carl's Collection of Departments
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Are you going?

Travel page updated with this year's days/dates. Add yo'self accordingly!

Got tix.gif GOING! Got tix.gif

  1. Vaughn
  2. Wade
  3. Sunny

Notgoing.gif Maybe Notgoing.gif

  1. Carl
  2. Heather

Got tix.gif Going but camping in some other camp Got tix.gif

Notgoing.gif Made a baby. Notgoing.gif

  1. Brigid
  2. Chris
  3. Caleb
  4. Sara

Notgoing.gif Status Unknown Notgoing.gif

  1. Carl
  2. Heather
  3. Jeff
  4. Meghan
  5. Jen
  6. Nick
  7. Juliette
  8. Di
  9. Josh
  10. Dante
  11. Mary
  12. Baxter
  13. Matt
  14. Barney
  15. Mat
  16. Christopher (oot)
  17. Giulia (oot)
  18. JaySwain (oot)
  19. alexanderphilip (oot)
  20. Sarah
  21. Jessie
  22. Os (oot)
  23. Shannon (oot)
  24. Lucy (oot)
  25. SBS
  26. Lyle
  27. Whitney Phaneuf
  28. D
  29. Katie

Who May Go?

I think all potential noobs should be awarded points with the highest totals camping with us. This is similar to the method by which I tracked the usefulness of ya'll on my Sony Clie a while back. Very impartial. Although it did turn out that (statistically) I'm the nicest person you know.

All previous Dr. Carl attendees in good standing are automatically grandfathered in, even if attendance has not been consistent.

20pts: Spouse, sibling, or steady (6+ months) partner to a Dr. Carlian that has already attended.

5 pts: Close friend, parent, roommate, or former roommate of a Dr. Carl attendee. (+1 pts: for each Dr. Carl attendee claimed in this associative category) ((Associated Dr Carlians must each consent to be used as a reference for the additional pts.))

2pts: Possession of a highly useful skill set. (Engineers, carpenters, rare/quality drug source.)

2pts: For each working (not planning) meeting attended.

1pt: For having your ticket.

Tally the points up on July 31st. Final attendee list locked on August 1st. Take the highest scoring noobs to fill out the remaining avails on the 25 person roster.

As always, sponsors are completely responsible for their noob(s).



Who's going lists moved to WhoGoes2007 and WhoGoes2008 and WhoGoes2009