From Dr. Carl's Collection of Departments
Reserve truck (Chris) - get insurance cert to Avon (Caleb)
- determine return departure days (All)
- car shuffle/org
Sacramento Hotel Reservation (Juliette)
Playa To-Do
General Camp/Signage
- create whore chart (Diana)
- including descriptions of chores
- create chore instruction sheets (Vaughn)
Dr Carl signage [if any] - assemble/revamp Tiki Bar (Jeff)
- New camp lanterns (Vaughn?)
- Board
cut down boards -
Prime -
Re-paint - paint art
- Tiles
Prime -
Re-paint - Stamp/icon
== Prizes ==)
Decide on prizes {buttons and carabiners) - order coozies (Chris/Brigid)
- decide on button art
- print button art
- make buttons
- n/a
- pick up futon in NoHo
- get/buy firewood
Quonset Hut
- confirm we have right # of stakes
- get more bike tubes
- Buy/acquire tarpage to cap the end of the hut
- Caleb, if you're not going - write down steps for hut assembly. Bonus points if it looks like Ikea instructions.
Grey Water / Aquatic Sciences
Again, if anyone wants to marvel at the plans, they're online at Instructables
- General refurb
On-playa transportation
- bass bike (Chris P, Alex)
Dr. Carl's - Dia de los Carlos
Determine date for mixerWednesday CONFIRMED! - make pre-playa invite
Food & Drink
create menu- how many vegetarians?
- buy new grill (Jeff?)
- create shopping list based on menu (Alex)
- Google Docs shopping checklist (Alex)
2011 Menu
- Sunday - Sandwich night
- Monday - Sausage Fest
- Tuesday - Taco Tuesday
- Wednesday - Chicken Fiesta night
- Thursday - Burger Bash
- Friday - Pizza Bar
- Saturday - Grilled cheese w tomato soup
- Sunday - Chili Cook-Off
- bringing non-potable blue barrel, half full. to be used for shower and dish water
- assuming 1.5 gallons/person/day, we will need to bring ??? gallons of drinking water to the playa
Noobs - camp roster 2011 is set. No more Noobs. -
Storage tidy (don't need to haul everything out!)
2010 Todo moved to Todo2010