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From Dr. Carl's Collection of Departments
Revision as of 14:28, 6 August 2007 by Cimadamo (Talk | contribs) (BREAKING NEWS!!!)

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Dr. Carl's Wiki of Wonder!

Welcome to our wiki. Think of it as an encyclopedia of our little camp. What you want to do is go get yourself an account. Click the link up there, top right.

Any user can edit and create pages (unless you're from Trashistan, you guys can f right off). Now, we're all responsible for creating the content. Woot!

Creating pages is easy. Just type a page in the search box. If it exists (or something like it) you'll get results. If not, you'll be asked to make the page. There's a little cheatsheet I made available in the main navigation box. Wiki has a simple formatting system. Just keep the cheatsheet open and you'll do fine.

Want more info (or more likely, snarky commentary) then subscribe to the discussion list: Dr. Carl's Email Discussionarium Try not to be apalled.


Time is of the essence! Schedule of important days and stuff to do is up at Meetings

Dr. Carl's is carbon neutral this year! Thanks to CoolingMan
Dr. Carl's Dept of Collections will reside at 4:30 and Arctic!
Our neighbors:
Black Rock Diner
Coffee Zombie
Ultra Stunt Danger Academy

BRC 2007 City Layout and Camp Placements

Found this on Tribe, someone has started a general Burner wiki. BurnWiki

Nuts and Bolts counted. In the Loft Inventory

Other News

  • Recycling Locations (also posted this under Travel)

Albertson’s / Save Mart Supermarkets

525 Keystone Avenue, 775-786-2150
195 West Plumb Lane, 786-0138
4995 Kietzke Lane, 827-5350
10500 North McCarran Blvd, 746-8882

565 East Prater Way, 359-9060
9750 Pyarmid Lake Highway, 425-2700

Carson City-
3620 North Carson Street, 841-4402

A flyer with a map to these locations will be available at Recycle Camp.

Go get your ticket you slackass: Ticket Site


The Calendar is a little GOOGLED! right now


Wiki Updates

  • Check out the Travel page for a nifty wiki extension I installed.
  • As you can see, I've added a Google calendar plug in. Handy, no?