
  • The Burning Man logo in purple with the words BRC Dashboard below it.

    BRC Dashboard!

    Looky here! Via the latest JRS: A new BRC dashboard webpage will provide the latest traffic, weather and other info, all in one place. https://brcdashboard.burningman.org

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  • A week from now…

    The fortunate camper who manages to get to the playa first will open the storage container and all that has been sleeping for a year will emerge and engulf them demanding embrace, attention, and erection. #burningman #blackrockcity #brc2024

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  • We did it.

    One last meeting before we over-pack and under-deliver. It’s time to gather all the things and stuff them into our dusty bins as we make way for the Black Rock Desert. Every year it seems so far away and then it’s here. IT’S HERE. See you soon you bunch of weirdos. #burningman #brc2023

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  • The Golden Spike is in!

    It’s the news that makes it real every year. Black Rock City is happening. Now…about last year’s laundry. https://journal.burningman.org/2023/07/black-rock-city/building-brc/the-point-where-it-all-begins/ #burningman #brc2023 Image from the Burning Man Project

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